The Pros and Cons of Concierge Doctor and Medicines of Patients

Concierge Doctor Los Angeles Maybe you're big believers in a Concierge House Call Doctor and medicines. But we're also quick to realize it has drawbacks. We want to talk openly about its advantages and some of the disadvantages, so you're sure of making the best healthcare choice for you. First, we discuss the advantages of Concierge care; 1. 24/7 hrs access You don't have to wait, and extra time with your physician doesn't stop at the doctor's office. Numerous concierge practices give you day and night way to your care team. We're not speaking about voicemails and long-delayed replies. We're talking about conversations, phone, or email, regarding your health and treatment, at all hours. 2. Virtual meetings Speaking of the calls and emails, that sort of communication can sometimes spare you a drive to the office. Concierge practices are generally acceptable about handling simple matters that way when you prefer. 3. In-house Specialization Concier...